Coconut Milk Recipe

Most Plant Milks at the store are loaded with Additives, unhealthy oils, gums, “natural flavors, and words you can’t pronounce, and I’m a not a fan of dairy for varius reasons. The canned Coconut Milk tends to have better ingredients but cans are lined with BPA. BPA acts like estrogen in our bodies and hundreds of studies have linked it to, increased risk of obesity, breast and prostate cancer, early-onset puberty, ADHD, and altered development of the brain and immune system. It super easty to make your own milk! You can assure the pure and natural ingredients with none of the added B.S.

What you’ll need:

  • A Blender

  • A nut milk bag

  • 8 ounces Unsweetened Shredded Coconut

  • Pinch of Sea Salt

  • 4 cups Hot Water

  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract (optional)

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Combine the Coconut and the Hot water in a blender. Allow the mixture to rest for about 1 minute for the coconut to soften. Add the Vanilla and blend on high until the Coconut mixure looks milky. Blend for about 1-2 minutes. Now get a large bowl or large jar and arrange the nut bag in the bowl. Poor the mlik from the blender unto the nut milk bag. Squeeze out the coconut milk into the bowl. Squeeze and ring out the bag until you get out as much milk as possibe. You can discart the cocnut pulp or you can dehydrate it and use as coconut flour. Transfer the Milk into a Mason Jar or air tight glass container and store in ther refridgerator and enjoy for the next 3-5 days.


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