Gluten-free Almond Coconut mini pancakes
2 Cups blanched Almond Flour
3/4 cup Unsweetened Coconut Milk ( I make my own, check my recipes)
4 Pasture Raised Eggs
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
2 tablespoons Warmed Coconut oil
1 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar
2 teaspoons raw honey (optional, do without for keto)
1 banana ( without for keto)
2 tablepoons Flaxseeds
1 tablespoon Chia seeda
3/4 teaspoon Baking Soda
1/4 teaspoon Sea Salt
Put all ingredients a blender. Then add the dry ingredients. Lets sit for 10 minutes.
Heat a skillet on medium with coconut, avocado oil, or Ghee. Once skilet is hot, use a spoon for batter and make mini pancakes. Once batter bubbles flip, make sure its golden before flipping to the other side, about 3-5 minutes.